Friday, July 10, 2009


I've returned from hiding out in the northern wilderness to share some important and fairly recent news on the NASA conspiracy.

At a National Press Club conference called by the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell (the 6th man to ever walk on the moon) announced his conviction that earth is being "visited."

Mitchell grew up in Roswell Mexico at the time of the famous 1947 UFO crash incident which he says started the American government's cover-up program which has persisted for about 60 years.

It is nearly common knowledge that we have now identified a number of planetary bodies that are likely inhabited (see Enceladus below).

A number of NASA astronauts have been threatened by "spooks" to keep their stories secret.

Around the world however, many other governments have started opening up- Belgium, France, Brazil, Mexico and England have declassified mysterious files. The Catholic Church has even made statements declaring that belief in UFOs does not compromise religiosity. Whether NASA will follow suit, we'll have to wait and see.

The Paradigm Research Group claims to have substantial evidence of alien encounters and gave something of an ultimatum for the government to talk this year- or else- they said they would reveal their evidence.

When asked to describe these extraterrestrials, Mitchell says they are like small people with strange facial features. He assures us that their intentions are peaceful-otherwise, he says, we would not be here today.

Mitchell's message to the world: "We are really universal beings" and it is time to understand our role accordingly.

In the words of a good friend- namaste Ed.