Thursday, May 28, 2009

Life in the abstract

During the last few years of my relentless struggle to finish a philosophy degree, I've had the unexpected pleasure of knowing and arguing with so many thoughtful characters who are, for the most part, excited to be philosophers.

But at the same time, there's no denying the nagging of skeptics who say philosophy is too abstract...too spacey-the ones who keep warning me to give business school a chance- Because after all, let's face it- I'm never going to find a respectable career or make any money as a philosopher (what am I going to do with my degree?...maybe try to understand the universe OK..!??).

As draining as this has been, I still believe there is something fundamental happening in the world of the abstract...something beyond science...a new consciousness that will save us all (even you). And this is where the mystery comes in- How can we define knowledge and belief against one another? It seems presumptuous even to define the 'natural' and 'supernatural.' How do narratives of the supernatural or paranormal type penetrate everyday storytelling? The more we know- the more we know we don't know. There doesn't really seem to be a place for hardcore skepticism anymore- and like many others...

I WANT to believe.